Order & Shipping

Do I need a customer account to place an order?

You do not need a customer account to place an order, you can also order as a guest.

What payment methods are available to me?

You can pay for your order by credit card, via Paypal or Klarna (purchase on account).

Can I add an item to my order?

It is not possible to add an item to an existing order.

Can I still change the delivery address?

It is possible to change the delivery address as long as the order has not yet been packed.

Can I cancel my order or an individual item from it?

It is possible to cancel individual items or the entire order as long as the order has not yet been packed. Please contact customer service as soon as possible.

Can two orders be sent together in one package?

For technical reasons, it is not possible to send two orders together.

Can I also order by phone or email?

It is no longer possible to order by phone or email for data protection reasons.

What is the minimum order value for free shipping?

Orders from an order value of 300 € are free of shipping costs.

How long does shipping take?

Your order is usually handed over to the desired shipping service provider after 1-3 working days. If you need it faster, you can choose the express shipping option for a fee.

Where is my parcel?

As soon as your order has been packed, you will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking information for your parcel. This allows you to see where your order is at any time.

Exchanges & returns

Can I exchange an item?

It is not possible to exchange items. Return the wrong size in two simple steps and reorder the desired size.

How long do I have to return my order?

You can return your order within 14 days after receipt.

How do I get a shipping label for my return?

Simply report your return via this link you will need your postal code and the order number preceded by the # symbol. It is not necessary to print out the shipping label, you can scan it using the QR code at any parcel store or Packstation and have it printed.

For international returns, please use the following link.

I have received my order in two parcels, but can only register the return for one parcel

If all the items you wish to return fit into one parcel, please enclose them. We will refund what we actually receive, even if this has not been registered online. If you need a second shipping label, you can register another return for the same order.

Can I return items from several orders in one parcel?

The environment will thank you! Simply enclose the relevant returns forms with the parcel.

When will I be refunded for my return?

Once your return has been received, it will be processed and checked for content, completeness and condition before a refund can be issued. This can take up to 5 working days. The refund will be made using the same payment method that was used for the purchase.

Is the return free of charge for me?

Returns are free of charge for you (orders within Germany). The customer bears the costs for international returns. These will be offset against the refund.

Can I also return my order in the store?

You are welcome to return your return to our store at any time.